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Information on Change to the method and standards of completing Online Class on Research Ethics for Graduate Students


How to take online research ethics class.pdf

Information on Changes to the method and

standards of completing Online Class on Research Ethics for Graduate Students

Online Class on Research Ethics Course for graduate student has been changed as below. Please refer to the following.






Research Ethics 연구윤리

· 대학원생을 위한 연구윤리 인문사회계(국문)

· 대학원생을 위한 연구윤리 이공계(국문)

· Research ethics for graduate students Humanities and Social Sciences(인문사회계_영문)

· Research ethics for graduate students Science and Engineering(이공계_영문)


1 course per month

4 courses per 1 semester

1. Purpose : Strengthening research ethics for graduate students

2. How to access : KIT website LMS(강의지원시스템 http://elearning.kumoh.ac.kr/) 공개강의(OCW) -“대학원생을 위한 연구윤리강의]

- 대학원생을 위한 연구윤리 인문사회계(국문)

- 대학원생을 위한 연구윤리 이공계(국문)

- Research ethics for graduate students Humanities and Social Sciences

- Research ethics for graduate students Science and Engineering

Select one of the above 4 courses and complete

Please refer to the attached document for detailed process of taking the course

3. Completion Criteria : 100% of progress rate

4. Period : Course is operated on semester basis(1st semester: Mar-Aug / 2nd semester: Sep-Feb)

(e.g. Courses can be divided monthly such as session 1st~2nd are available in March, session 3rd~4th are in April, session 5th~ 6th are in May)

5. Students enrolled from 2015 must complete research ethics course by the month prior to application for dissertation examination

(If you do not complete research ethics before applying for dissertation examination, you can not apply for dissertation examination.)

6. Confirmation of completion: at the beginning of every month

- Confirmation check: [원스톱서비스-학사관리-졸업-학위수여요건조회에서 확인가능]


2021. 2.

금오공과대학교 대학원(일반, 산업, 교육 및 컨설팅)

Dean of Kumoh National Institute of Technology Graduate Schoo